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  • Writer's pictureBrian Cummings

Amazon FBA vs Dropshipping: Which Is Better for 2024?

Deciding between Amazon FBA and dropshipping is a tough choice for any online seller. Both methods have reshaped the e-commerce landscape, offering unique benefits to entrepreneurs.

In this post, you'll discover the key differences and how to pinpoint which option aligns with your business goals and resources. Dive in to make your decision easier!

Key Takeaways

  • Amazon FBA handles storage, shipping, and customer service for you but charges fees. You must buy inventory upfront.

  • Dropshipping requires no inventory but offers less control over shipping and lower profit margins.

  • The choice between FBA and dropshipping depends on your budget, desired control level, and business goals.

What Is Amazon FBA?

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service that helps you sell your products online. You store your items in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and they take care of storage, packing, shipping, and customer service for these products.

This means when a customer buys something from you on Amazon, the FBA team handles the heavy lifting.

With FBA, you also get to scale your business and reach more customers without worrying about space for inventory or extra shipping costs. Your products are eligible for Amazon Prime two-day shipping, which can increase sales.

Plus, handling returns and exchanges becomes easier as Amazon manages those too.

Learn about Amazon FBA fees by reading our guide.

Pros and Cons of FBA

What is Amazon FBA? Now, let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA):

  1. Simplified logistics: Amazon handles storage, packing, and shipping.

  2. Prime eligibility: Your products qualify for Amazon Prime's fast shipping.

  3. Customer trust: FBA provides reliable customer service and returns handling.

  1. Fees: FBA charges storage, fulfillment, and referral fees.

  2. Limited control: You have less control over packaging and shipping timelines.

  3. Competition: With many sellers using FBA, competition can be intense.

What Is Dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where the seller doesn't keep the products in stock.

Instead, when a product is sold, it's purchased from a third party, who then ships it directly to the customer.

This means you don't have to handle the product or manage inventory, making it an attractive option for those looking to start an online store without hefty upfront costs.

Dropshipping also allows for greater flexibility as you can sell various products without being tied down by inventory. With low risk and minimal startup expenses, dropshipping allows entrepreneurs to enter the e-commerce marketplace with relative ease.

Key Differences between Amazon FBA and Dropshipping

Understanding the distinctions between Amazon FBA and dropshipping is crucial for you as an Amazon seller. These models differ significantly in how they operate and their implications for your business. Here’s a table summary of their differences.

Amazon FBA


Inventory is stored at Amazon's fulfillment centers.

Inventory is held by the supplier, not the seller.

You must buy inventory upfront.

No upfront inventory is required.

Amazon handles packaging, shipping, and customer service.

The supplier is responsible for shipping; you manage customer service.

Fulfilled by Amazon items are Prime eligible, which can increase sales.

Items are not Prime eligible, which may affect sales volume.

Amazon charges storage and fulfillment fees.

You avoid warehousing costs but pay supplier fees.

May be subject to long-term storage fees if inventory doesn't turn over.

Storage duration is not a direct concern for you.

Returns are managed by Amazon, which can simplify the process.

Return policies can be more complex and need careful coordination with suppliers.

Branding opportunities are more limited due to Amazon's standardized packaging.

Custom branding is easier to apply through your supplier's packaging options.

Each model presents unique benefits and challenges. Weigh these differences against your business goals to determine the best fit for your online selling venture.

Amazon FBA vs Dropshipping: Which Is Right for Your Business?

Consider the scalability and level of control you desire. Amazon FBA offers hands-off fulfillment, while dropshipping allows for more control but also greater responsibility. Evaluate your capital and time availability to determine the best fit.

Assess profit potential, as FBA may have higher upfront costs but potentially lower risk, whereas dropshipping requires minimal investment but comes with higher risk and fluctuating margins.

Analyze market research to identify demand trends and competition levels in your niche before making a decision that aligns with your business goals.

Evaluate which model complements your entrepreneurial strengths. Determine whether you excel at product sourcing, pricing strategies, and customer service or if you prefer focusing on marketing and sales efforts.

Recognize the importance of product quality control through FBA's handling of inventory or dropshipping's direct supplier relationships.

Factor in growth plans; FBA may be suitable for long-term stability while dropshipping can offer agility and experimentation opportunities in the short term.

Aside from the Amazon vs. dropshipping debate, you may also consider selling on other platforms. Read our guide to learn how to start selling on Walmart.

Making the Transition

Transitioning from one fulfillment model to another requires careful planning and consideration. Here's what you need to know:

  1. Evaluate your current business performance, including sales volume, profit margins, and customer satisfaction.

  2. Research the potential impact on your supply chain, inventory management, and shipping processes.

  3. Analyze the financial implications of transitioning, considering investment costs and potential ROI.

  4. Develop a timeline for the transition, considering any adjustments needed to minimize disruption to your operations.

  5. Communicate with your suppliers, manufacturers, and other stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition process.

  6. Prepare a clear marketing and sales strategy to introduce the new fulfillment model to your customers.


In summary, navigating the choices between Amazon FBA and dropshipping is crucial for your online business strategy. Assess each model's pros and cons carefully to determine which best aligns with your objectives and growth potential.

Making an informed decision on your fulfillment method is a pivotal step toward e-commerce prosperity.

Ready to accelerate your e-commerce journey? Discover our fulfillment solutions to enhance your business's efficiency and success.

FAQs on Amazon FBA vs . Dropshipping

1. Is it better to use Amazon FBA or ship yourself?

Using Amazon FBA is typically better for sellers who want to scale their business and outsource logistics, whereas shipping yourself might be cost-effective for smaller-scale operations or for products with irregular sizes and weights that incur higher FBA fees.

2. Is dropshipping allowed on Amazon FBA?

No, dropshipping is not allowed on Amazon FBA, as it requires sellers to send inventory directly to Amazon's fulfillment centers.

However, dropshipping is allowed on Amazon following specific guidelines, like always being the seller of record and ensuring products are not shipped with packing slips from a third party.

3. What is better than dropshipping?

A private label or building your own brand can be better than dropshipping since you have more control over product quality, branding, and potentially higher margins. However, it requires more upfront investment and risk.

4. Is Amazon FBA good for beginners?

Yes, Amazon FBA can be good for beginners since it simplifies logistics and shipping, allowing new sellers to focus on building their brand and marketing their products. However, there is a learning curve and initial costs to consider.

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